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Dsimilar Experience Center
Our technologists and professionals have solved several business difficulties using cutting-edge technology. dsimilar creates virtual experiences for modern consumers and businesses. Dsimilar delivers Product Visualisation, Augmented Reality, Product Simulations, Virtual TRY ONS, and Enterprise apps to enhance business processes and user communication. Our digital services boost brand awareness and workforce efficiency.
Explore, Customize and Experience Your Dream Car
Auto Viewer allows you to explore and customize the latest models of your favorite cars. Choose from a wide range of options to personalize your ride. Get ready to create your dream car!
3D Elevator Interactive Walkthroughs
Create 3D walkthroughs that helps your customers to interact and customize the design needs.
3D Real Estate Interactive Walkthrough & VR App
Create 3D walkthroughs that helps your customers to interact and customize the design needs. Allow users to virtually tour properties in real-time, 360-degree view.
3D Industry Interactive Walkthrough
Create 3D walkthroughs that helps your customers to interact and customize the design needs.
AR Brand Awareness Campaigns
Companies in the fast-moving consumer goods and beauty industries might use this to create a virtual Tryon experience for their customers.
WebAR Nestle Maggie Products
WebAR experience could provide the user with a way to purchase the product directly through the app, by providing links to online retailers or the option to add the product to their online shopping showing.
Interactive 360 e-commerce product visualization
WebAR in e-commerce provides an improvement and rapid growth in the e-commerce business modules.
Featuring Product 360 Viewer with AR & VR Apps
Product 360 Viewer for online business for higher customer engagement and real-time dimension mapping.